Sunday, April 5, 2009

Baranek Wielkanocny...

In Polish that means "Easter lamb."

As we come upon Easter Sunday it is a Polish tradition to have an Easter butter lamb or "baranek" on the dinner table.

The lamb symbolizes Christ, the lamb of God.

I can't help but giggle every time when my sweet, Irish hubs lovin'ly refers to it as the "bionic" lamb.

Heck, you don't have to be Polish to have one on your Easter table.
So if you have a lamb mold you can make your own. If not, I found this how-to from A Taste of Home.
Its so daggum cute, I'm goin' to makin' one next year!
:> )


Snugglebug Blessings said...

I tell you I was lost in space. I just set my oven pan on fire then I read about the butter lamb. (smoke inhulation I guess) I could not for the life of me figure out what a butter lamb was. B U T T E R
Lamb. Ok I get it now. LOL!!!!!!!

Happy Easter and God bless.


Julie said...

Thanks for posting this info. I once bought a butter lamb for my Easter table, but it was because my then 4 year old son LOVES his lambies...still does at 9. Anyway, I got mine at GFS (Gordon Food Service). I don't know if they have them every year or not. FYI: They taste as good as they look!

Laura said...

It is a great tradition we share .I always remember the lamb on the table growing up.It is something I love to share with the kids I pray it lives on . Happy Easter to you and Erron and the girls!

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