Sunday, July 13, 2014

Hi everyone!

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Jeepers, it's been over a week since I posted last! Truthfully, this past week has been a whirlwind.

We had a lovely memorial service for my mom. The church was packed with people just the way she would have wanted it. You see, she was quite the social butterfly. I know she was watching down and smiling for sure.
After the service we gathered for a delicious brunch. It was a wonderful day of remembrance.

Still a lot of stress dealing with her estate. Bills need to be paid. Accounts need to be closed. Online accounts need to be closed. I've been on the phone all week trying to handle some of it. Then there's the house and everything in it. Very overwhelming.

At night I find myself watching old Family Guy reruns. I know... You either love it, or hate it. I must admit I find myself belly laughing over some of the stuff said. Then there's times I think... Yikes. Not cool.

But it reminded me of the Stewie and Rupert folk art dolls I made. Heck, I forgot all about them!

For those of you who love Stewie and love the weirdness of folk art...


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Man, I am longing to create again. I plan on doing so very soon. We're coming up on my favorite season and I've got all kinds of ideas swirling around in my head!!

:> )


marly said...

Yes there is so much to take care of that we sometimes don't have the time to grieve. We took a few mementoes and had the Salvation Army come and empty one house, and had estate sellers take care of the contents sale of the other. So overwhelming I just couldn't do it.

Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

It is so very difficult. But we'll just have to take it one day at a time.

Primitive Stars said...

So much to do in such a heartbreaking time, Stay strong, Hugs Francine.

Carol Roll said...

Thinking of you Peanut.

Alison said...

Hugs and nuggies from across the Pond!

Ali xx

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