Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Is It Not Enough...

for you to feed on the good pasture?

Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet?

Is it not enough for you to drink clear water?

Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?"

Ezekiel 34:17-18

:> (


Shirley said...

These are sites that we see in the county where we live in Oregon. The really sad part is that our county provides free dumping and recycling for all products. Some people are just too lazy to haul their trash to the dump........or even the closest trash can that they probably walk by.

Diana said...

OOOH such a pet peeve of mine...I agree...people are so lazy..

I like this: Treat Nature with Respect, take Only Photographs, Leave only Footprints..

If that is one thing I really hate to see, when walking the trails, is buts. I just think it's gross, and so sad. Coming from a former smoker. If you can't go out and enjoy nature Without smoking, maybe you should stay home..

Meadowbrook Cabin Primitives said...

Unfortunately, I can take those same photos in my neck of the woods.. especially the beer cans and liquor bottles.. the younger generation comes out here in the country to drink and then they leave it all behind piles ,or a beer can here and there thrown on the road, fast food bags, etc...

The state police should be out here in the country and not on the interstate.. they would make more money out fines..

Hm... maybe we should take these photos and give them to the state police and to the local paper..


Julie said...

My son's are boy scouts and we do ditch cleaning a couple times a year. We all see liter on a daily basis, and seeing it up close & personal is so much more repulsive. The thing is, everyone litters accidentally now & then, but these people are just dumping there stuff with no regard. I freak out if a napkin gets blown out of my van and flies away before I can grab it. The people that our trashin g this beautiful country have the same attitude about litter as they have about everything else...just let someone else handle's not my problem. Thus our country is getting trashed one every level, not just the view.

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

it is sad that we have to live like this.I am always picking up crap on our street and throwing it is horrible in italy..they will toss it to the garbage can and if it makes then i got close well thats okay too..and peoples gardens were filled with it..and these folks plant huge huge fields by hand and along come joe smoe and dumps everything but the kitchen you remember the indian on the horse it was a commercial about littering..and there was the tear in his eye..well he would be totally shocked by what he sees where we live..and its his own kind..they don't pay for housing so why take care of it...any way..have a great rest of your week and a great weekend..:)

GoldieLoo Woodworks said...

Same story here, along with dogs & cats. I hate it, hate it, hate it.

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