Friday, August 24, 2007


I have this sign on our old barn door and you should see how folks look all around their feet in a panic after they read it.

We really don't have an attack chicken, I just thought that sign was so daggum funny, I had to have it. Although in the past, I have met a rooster I swear would have come at me with a lil' hatchet under his wing if he could. I can picture him peckin' a hole through the door sayin' "Here's Johnny!"

I love to collect signs. I have them all over our home, inside and out. Some are funny, inspirational and some make ya think.

One of my favorites reads, "Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life." How true.


  1. You never fail to make me laugh out loud Peanut! I just love your visiting your blog!

  2. Thanks for the idea; as you know I used to have hens and roosters. Never have more than one rooster.

  3. I've met a few in my day too peanut ... and hubs mother used to have geese that were more fierce than junkyard dogs!!

  4. I could have used that sign about 15 years ago, Peanut. Our Henry would come after ANYBODY who showed up in the driveway in a car he didn't recognize...including me who came home in my in-law's car one day! I had to prove to him who I was and make him stand down!


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