Monday, March 17, 2008

Shhhh... I Don't Want To Say This Too Loud But...

LOOK!!!! This is the last lil' patch of snow we have on our property!! It's almost all gone! I'M SO HAPPY!!
Man... I hope Ol' Man Winter didn't hear me. He loves messin' with us especially this time of year.

I may run out there in my bare feet! Heck, I don't mind havin' (frozen) grass between my toes. YaY!!


  1. oooooo...bare grass....Congratulations.

    Mother Nature laughed at us last howled and blew and left us with an inch of snow.

    Blessings to you

  2. How nice to see the ground again!! We still have piles where it was plowed, but it's raining today so that should clear it up....they are calling for more snow toward the weekend here tho'!! YUCK!! Your property looks gorgeous!! Are you very rural? Absolutely lovely!!

  3. As much as I love the snow, I'm enjoying watching ours melt. We can finally see grass, but our farm fields still think it's winter. Spring is still on the calendar isn't it? LOL!

    Cathy :)

    PS--I love your grandma & grandpa dolls in your side bar--too cute!

  4. Oh - is that all the snow you have you stinker? Now I have to go take a picture of my winter wonderland.


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