Thursday, March 20, 2008

What's In The Name...


  1. Why to go for you !! more people should stand up for what is right . The world wouldn't be so messed up if we did!! As for my name it kind of sad but I'll share and post it on my page.

  2. Good for you for standing up!! Who knows what that chemical crap will do to us all!! And BTW: my granny was a one-tooth, one-legged banjo-player!! tee hee hee!! They were on opposite sides so it looked completely natural!! LOL!! (just joking!!)
    Thanks for the tag!!!

  3. Peanut for President!!!!
    I mean if our countrys ready for a woman President, surely one w/ an arm growing out of her forehead wouldnt matter none! what a doll that would make! Im just sayin!
    now pass that jugga moonshine over here! ah forget it, Im a mean ole drunk!
    Thanks for taggin me. Junkyard Kat

  4. Hi, I just had to stop by an check out your blog. You are always so funny. In my case it was Boone's Farm, Winstons, I was the one playing the spoons, and I still have my Mama's bible with all the local UFO clippin's in it. I guess country's country, whether it's above or below the Mason-Dixon line.
    Susan K.

  5. What a great story Peanut. It's great when there is a story behind the name.

    Good for you standing up for what you believe amazes me how people can think spraying harmful chemicals is going to solve a may make one go away..but it will always cause another new one...

    Happy Easter to you and yours.



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