Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Guess She Just Lost Her Head...

But not for long.

I've been workin' on one more autumn piece for the season. This pumpkinhead gal will be offered on The Humble Arts come October 1st.

I'll keep ya posted...


  1. OMG! Talk about striking a pose, LOL! Can't wait to see this one...will she be smiling? I love the smiling faces, kind of makes me smile too!
    Oh, and I think you'll be smiling now that i have posted your award on my blog...go and right click to collect it, and pay it forward!! Woo-Hoo!

  2. seems like me on most days....except i run around looking for mine!

  3. Can't wait to see her, I know she's gonna be GREAT!

    Hey...where's the cows?


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