Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ooooh, Lookie Here...

I know its a lil' early to be decoratin' for Christmas but when mama gave me this vintage tree stand; there was no way I could wait until after Thanksgivin' to display it.

Its a wooden picket fence style. Isn't it adorable?!

I knew our girls' Christmas tree would fit perfectly in there.

I have some old vintage children's toy like an ol' leather football and baseball glove that would look great tucked under there.

But many of ya know our miniature Doxie suffers from severe kleptomania and can no longer be trusted.

Remember "The Case of the Missin' Seam Ripper?" Inspector Hubs finally caught her red-pawed.

Nope, she can't be trusted...
:> )


  1. Karin Love the stand !! It's cute .

    Go easy on her judge ,she young and didn't know any better ! lol

    I have the itch as well I want to put up our tree .

  2. Have you considered therapy for Hannah? LOL Poor dear. Maybe she was just going to help you with one of your projects???

    Love the tree! It is not too early. It would be a shame to enjoy its beauty for only a couple of weeks.


  3. Oh, I love your new "look"! Woo-Hoo! You're so fancy! Oh and I had to tell you that I had already heard that about's a sneaky breed. First they steal your heart and then they move on to steal everything else in the house, LOL!
    Love the tree!


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