Sunday, November 23, 2008

She's Good To Go...

Wild-eyed Gracie has decided to give Rachael Ray a run for her money.

She got her paws on the chef's hat I made and is now in my kitchen cookin' up a storm.

"Just a lil' EVOO and in two turns of the pan she's got a de-lish meal in thirty minutes."

Rachael Ray Lingo Translation: "Just a little extra virgin olive oil and in just a bit she's got a delicious meal in thirty minutes."

:> )


  1. OH TeeeHeeee Giggles!!!
    I'm loving this little one in the chef's hat!

  2. Oh Karin, did you make your precious pup that wee little chefs hat? that is toooooooooo funny..I love the rachael ray lingo..I got it..didn't even need the translation...I love food your puppy making the thanksgiving feast? better watch that she doesn't stuff the turkey with dog

  3. LOLOLOL!!!!! That Gracie is a Vixen ♥

    Man, you crack me up Goob! It's a good thing she is such a good sport or you would be sporting nubs instead of digits and have to learn to type with your toes and sew with your teeth!


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