Saturday, December 27, 2008

It's Resolution Time...


I realized this after polishin' off a third slice of pizza today, knowin' my New Year's Resolution is to drop a few pounds, eat healthier and exercise more.

After much thought, I've decided my New Year's Resolution is to pick another day to start my New Year's Resolution! A more obscure day unlike January 1st which puts waaaay too much pressure on me to follow through.

With that in mind, I've picked Arbor Day to start my resolution. What's great about Arbor Day is its different in each state!

So while you folks in Florida have started yours on January 16th; I'm layin' on the couch with a fist full of Fritos in one hand and Peanut M&M's in the other waitin' for April 24th to roll around.

Happy days are here again!!!

:> )


  1. hahaha... i particularly like the very last cartoon !!

    Geez, resolution time already? I figure it's time to quit torturing myself, right?

    Happy New Year buddy - here's to a new year full of all things good ♥

  2. OMG! That was too funny! I'm clearing the fridge on Sunday and
    hoping to get a stomach flu to jump start the resolution; LOL!

  3. I am to sick to eat much so I figure I am jump started and should just continue from here. Darn cold or whatever it is. Wish you luck on your Arbor day begining.

  4. You have me laughing out loud! I feel like I made that exact resolution! lol
    Well, maybe many of us have made it! LOL
    Good luck.
    Doug and I polished off the last of the Christmas dessert last night and I said 'Okay, that's it for eating poorly, from here on we're going to watch what we eat'....he replied with 'well, don't forget we have a lunch to go to today, Tuesday we are going out to a Steak House with relatives and Wednesday afternoon we're going to your aunt/uncles for lunch and that evening (New Years Eve) we always have steak and lobster!" Man, you just can't catch a break!!!!!

  5. oh my gosh that last cartoon is a hubs asks why can't I lose weight everywhere but am going to blog and play off of yours as I have a couple of sillys to add...I am with you..I will wait till April with you...hheheheheee

  6. You are TOO funny!
    And from your pics, you do NOT look like you need to lose a POUND!
    BTW - I LIVE in Fla., and didn't know when our Arbor Day is... :)


  7. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! I think I lost 5 pounds laughing you NUT! hhee heee M*E*R*R*Y* CH*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!!!
    xxoxxoxoo rachael

  8. Arbor Day it is---meeeee tooooo---my son gave me a decident chocolate torte wrapped in gooey chocolate goodness for Christmas---I wish you could have seen the look on Joes face when I opened it and stuck my melon into the box---there were sounds too that were coming from my drewling lips---sex in a box is what it amounted to---22 slices of pure HEAVEN---alllll mine too---no rules about sharing were written anywhere's in or around that box--I checked----so I am stickin with the Arbor Day plan----totally---yup

    Merry Belated Christmas Peanut---and thanks for the well wishes---you are so sweet! Here's to a great 2009

  9. Toooo funny !! Ahhhhhh...I love this time of year !! So many resolutions to ruin !!!!...LOL

  10. Hee hee hee!! You crack me up......I resemble most of those comics!! tee hee hee!!


  11. Peanut- You're such a goof! You're way too gorgeous to make that silly resolution, on Arbor Day or any other time.


  12. LOL I laughed so hard on the last one that I swallowed a Hershey kiss whole! LOL Oh my gosh, I just know thats going to be me if I lose the 10 pounds I'm hoping for.



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