Thursday, January 29, 2009

She'll Fill Up Your Senses...

I'll be listin' Sweet Annie on my website later today.

First, I have to dig out of the 400 feet of snow that fell from yesterday's storm.

Well, I'm exaggeratin' just a tad... Make that 399 feet.
:> )


  1. Just popping in to say hi and to ask for you to send some snow my way. All we have had is rain, but today is truly as sunny as the brightest day in summer. On second thought, I don't think I'll trade ya', after all. Take care, Susan

  2. She is so unique and just perfect! Oh if I get a tax refund this year ....


  3. awwwwwwwww... how sweet is this dewdrop but I still am partial to my sweet lil birthday Annie that I got last year ♥


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