Monday, June 8, 2009

I Went For A Bike Ride Today...

I couldn't help but feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz when I came upon all these buttercups!

Yeah-yeah I know in the movie they were poppies; but I still felt the urge to drop and start catchin' some Z's.

It must have been psychological.
(Or I was exhausted from all that pedalin')


I need to get me a pair sparkly red sneaks to go with my blue and white gingham sweat pants.

On the way back home I met this lil' sweetheart...
I called her "Buttercup."

She replied, "It's Phyllis."
:> )


  1. That Phyllis, she is so outspoken!!! giggle

    Looks like you had a great bike ride and the start of a terrific week!! Thank you for sharing!

  2. ...You lost me at the blue and white gingham sweatpants... :o)

    ...Beautiful scenery!


  3. so those are buttercups..we have those here and they are taking they are outta here..phylis is a beauty..:) you always make me smile when I come here...:)

  4. Thanks for the ride, I must say that I saw all the green and had to stop myself from running to get the bug spray but I figured I should read fast so they wouldn't get me, and that's what I I made it safely out of the wilderness without any welts. Bugs just LOVE me, LOL!

  5. Thank you SO much for your kind comments about our loss of our sweet baby. I came here sad and read your funnies again and for a moment I felt happy. I read your blog in my reader but it is not the same. I have to remember that. Thanks for your kind heart and the laughter. You have made my day a little better just by being here. Merrie


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