Friday, July 17, 2009

Another One On The Lam...

Looks like I created another free spirit. Sigh.

I can't turn my back on these dollies, they make a run for it every time!

I now have an APB out on my latest Candy Corn-Head I'm workin' on.

She'll eventually have to come back since she doesn't have a stitch on and has no peepers.

Man, I hope she doesn't run into the Stinging Nettle down by the barn because she'll be scratchin' where the sun don't shine.
(I'd better get the calamine lotion ready.)

I've searched the property high and low and no sign of her yet. But I'll keep lookin'. She can't outsmart me!

;> )
I'll keep ya posted.

Have a great weekend folks.


  1. oh what a way to start my morning..she is cute..and you are such a goob!!! now I know where you got the nick always make me giggle..have a most wonderful weekend..and I hope you find your little runaway..:)

  2. I spy with my roving eye....

    nah Goob, i'm sorry, I promised not to give you a clue ♥

    CC is one adorable sweet sweet xo

  3. LMAO Oh you are a fine thing for a tired spirit! She will be a fine gal, if you can hold her down long enough... You should hear the screams coming from the studio. Everybody griping about no panties and the Nutlings(squirrels) can see them. Little nut loving peeping Toms they are! LOL

    Have a good one and I will be back to see if you hog tied her down long enough to keep her from showing her goods to neighbors...

  4. You kill me !
    Good thing you found her before she got nabbed for indecent exposure YIKES!! Can't wait to see her finished .

  5. Peanut ...

    your imagination has run wild as has your candy corn head dollie ! LOL... That is going to be the cutest corniest dollie I have ever laid my eyes on !

    you keep us all smiling as usual ! Keep up the good work ! LOL
    Love ya,
    Hugs and have a splendid weekend !

  6. Ohhh, I just love her little shoes. She looks like a dancer. still look like a nut. Take care, Susan.


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