Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Turkey Speaks...

"I have never understood
why anyone would
roast the turkey
and shuck the clams
and crisp the croutons
and shell the peas
and candy the sweets
and compote the cranberries
and bake the pies
and clear the table
and wash the dishes
and fall into bed
when they could sit back
and enjoy a hamburger."

~Author Unknown

Here's a sneak peek at one of my very special offerins' for November on The Humble Arts.

I'll keep you posted.
:> )


  1. GORGEOUS dolls..As always, you are simply amazing!! not to mention funny hehe :) Diana

  2. verrrrry verrrry cute...have a wonderful day.:)

  3. Burger instead of turkey....hmmmm, that's a good thought! LOL!! Love your doll and turkey!!! Great job Peanut!

  4. I second that thought !..Since I am the one stuck cookin all the time !

    Your pilgrim set is so sweet !


  5. I cooked a big turkey dinner for years, before my DH finally told me he really would just as soon not have all those leftovers. He felt "pressured" to eat them and it kept me in the kitchen way too much. Now we just have a simple meal and spend the day together. Your dolls are awesome, as always. Take care, Susan.

  6. Very nice !! Love the sign ,the turkey holding haha!


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