Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Al Recently Went Shoppin'...

and bought a new $9 million crib.

I'm sure he has those (CFL) cork screw lightbulbs, solar panels, the GE SmartGrid and a big ol' GE wind turbine disguised as a palm tree.
(Was that a polar bear floatin' around in his swimmin' pool?)

Hopefully he used the "Cash for Clunker Appliances" government rebate and purchased a new GE Energy Star refrigerator and dishwasher.

I wonder if he used his $1.5 million Nobel Peace Prize money for the down payment?

Al was so much more "deservin'" of the 2007 Peace Prize more so than Irena Sendler. She's only credited for riskin' her life to save 2500 Jewish children durin' the Holocaust.

Al told us it was hot out.

Thankfully with the $$ he's made, he can afford a sh*tload of "carbon credits" for the Climate Bill, er Cap and Trade er I mean the American Power Act.
Whew! I can't keep up with all those name changes. But that last one sounds so patriotic, doesn't it??

:> )


  1. Hmmmm...maybe the stimulus money................... ?

    Yea, G E... Iran's best friend ...

    go figure.................


  2. yeah our buddy Al Gore is hypocrite (?) pure and simple..needs to practice what he preaches..;)

  3. Al and Barrack can form a new club-the "the didn't do sh** to deserve" the Nobel Peace Prize club.

  4. I mean they stripped Milli-Vanilli for lip syncing and yet...


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