Monday, October 11, 2010

Leaf Peepin' At The Applefest...

On Saturday hubs and I headed to the Applefest. The trees were at their peepin' peak!!

Say cheese!

What a gorgeous backdrop for the fair!
But I must say I was extremely disappointed in the vendors.
Years ago it was all talented artists sellin' their wares. Now it was mostly folks sellin' Made in China American folk art knock offs. :> (

But I did find the most AWESOME handmade Christmas mittens!! You all know I'm a mitten freak!!!

But I've got my work cut out for me tryin' to keep them from Hannah. When we came home, I saw her eye'ballin' 'em and lickin' her chops.
;> )


  1. Those are super cute mittens! I hate to go to shows and see that mass produced chinese garbage. I especially hated it when I did shows and was next to someone who had a booth full of that stuff. The venders at The show at Letchworth state park this past weekend was great and I didn't see any of that stuff.

    Beautiful leaf peekin day for sure.


  2. yeah those are some cute mittens...tell hannah to keep her "mitts" off of them..:) they are super cute..I Love!!! love!!! your fall colors..we just don't get that here..wish we did..yeah I know what you mean about the stuff folks are selling these days..there is a big show here next week and they say there are 650 booths of handmade stuff..well they are lying..we saw about 20 booths that were handmade..that is why we are being put out of business because of this made in china stuff. buy handmade.;) thanks for sharing your day with us..and I did smile real purty for the camera too.;)

  3. LOVE the mittens.....and I remember Miss Hannah's meal of your last awesome pair!! tee hee hee!! If she can't have a lil lamb.....the wool'll do!! giggles!!

    Did you go on the bumper cars????? :O)

    Happy Wednesday girl!!


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