Friday, July 27, 2012

"Brick-a brack-a firecracka sis boom bah!

Bugs Bunny! Bugs Bunny! RAH RAH RAH!"

Since I've been completely obsessing over brick veneer for the past 48 hours, I figured I better make a run to Lowes and check out that Old Mill Brick Systems and get it out of my system.

I've watched a few YouTube videos (similar products) and I think I'd have a blast using that stuff. It comes with a giant "pastry bag."
You know how I love to bake.

Just thought I'd share a few photos I found while searching the internet.

Ooooh, I love this rustic look. That pot belly stove is adorable!

I have a "pot belly" too, but it isn't adorable like that. **sigh**


Isn't this brick wall cool? But I really wish I didn't show my hubs this photo because now he wants to cover all the walls in our entire home with brick. He has that all or nothing attitude.

I always have to reel him back in. "Baby steps, my Sweetheart."


Oh man!! I would kill to have a wood stove in our bedroom!
Okay, that was a bit dramatic. I wouldn't kill to have a wood stove in our bedroom. But I would kick someone in the shin for one.

Wishing everyone a fun and relaxing weekend!!

I am a Looney Tune.

:> )


  1. Hi, love the brick walls, and that bedroom, oh my, so cozy, dreaming. Wonderful post, made my day for I`m a little o.k. alot loony to. Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Blessings Francine.

  2. Funny post. We love brick too and it's one reason we just love New much brick!


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