Friday, July 13, 2012

I have a passion for patchwork...

Especially quilts!


I have ever since I was a little girl. It was Holly Hobbie's Blue Girl who got me hooked.
(She wore the most awesome boots too!)

Big patches...

or small.
It doesn't matter, I love them all!


Have you noticed I can't seem to get enough of beds on a porch lately?

Is there therapy for that?

On the wall??!! I LOVE it!!
(Feast your peepers on that gorgeous vintage metal crib!)

Even my Darla is hooked. She loves curling up on them.

But then again she'd curl up on a toilet paper square to catch a few winks.


Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!!


  1. ...That Darla is a doll! A-n-d, she has good tastes too, curling up on a quilt and all. :o)

    ...LOVE that first quilt and I can't even begin to imagine how awesome it would be to sleep out on that porch with the three beds. I love that.

    ...And yes, that crib is to die for. :o)

    ...Enjoy your weekend too!

    ...Blessings :o)

    p.s. - Just want you to know that you cross my mind every day and my apologies for not being part of the blogging world lately. I'll be getting back into it soon, just been crazy busy and focusing on healing too. (((hugs))) to you Miss Peanut. :o)

  2. ...Oh, and btw, my theory has always been "one can never have too many quilts". ;o)

  3. oh I love patwork quilts too..and love that paper on the wall..great photos..we are getting a thunderstorm as we speak.wish it would stop..but we are at least getting the yard watered..but me wants to go grocery shopping and the babies are a bit freaked out with the noise and so am I..have a wonderful weekend.:)

  4. Hi sweet tj! No apologies needed, darlin'. I've been praying for you, sister. ♥
    Man, I LOVE old quilts but my wallet doesn't. Hee-hee!
    I wish I had the attention span to quilt but my brain tells me otherwise. ;> )

    Hey Gina, send that stormy weather east, will ya?! Man we are so dry, the grass is burnt to a crisp and the trees are coughing dust. The farmers are suffering so! :> (
    We are praying for rain.

  5. I loved Holly Hobbie, brought back lots of memories, thanks! I too love quilts and my dream is to someday own an Amish made quilt.
    Have a great weekend,
    Be blessed,

  6. Wow. Nothing says homey or cosy like a patchwork quilt. You have no idea how difficult they are to get here in England either. The norm here are duvets that you stuff into covers. Not the same thing at all. And don't suggest I make my own quilt. My sewing skills don't extend much past buttons and hems. Ha!



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