Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Stop every now and then.

Just stop and enjoy.
Take a deep breath.


Relax and take in the abundance of life."


Happy Sunday.
:> )


  1. Hi Peanut~*~ Just thought I would let you know I'm dropping by for ~Cookies and Coffee~ I love your home~ Enjoy your day!! Smiles ~*~ Birdy....

  2. Happy Sunday. Your flowers reminded me of my Grandmother. She loved geraniums.

  3. I just love your geraniums. I got a dud plant this year! ;-( Well, it's either that or this awful heat has affected all of my pretty flowers!
    I enjoy your blog!'
    Happy Sunday!

  4. Hello, wonderful post,love the red geraniums, they just say farmhouse to me. Blessings Francine.

  5. Hi Birdy! How the heck have you been??! I've missed your postings.

    Thanks, ladies! I agree, there is something wonderful and old fashioned about red geraniums. My dad loved them too. ♥

    Most of the annuals this year have been absolutely horrible. Especially the impatiens. Mine all but died within a month of planting. I don't believe it's the weather that has caused their demise either. My geraniums and perennials are doing well. I'm thinking something was up with the seeds. Maybe too genetically modified.
    :> (


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