Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sunshine and warmer temps...

Brought me outside today. Man, did it feel good!
How I love walking our land and looking at all the critter tracks.
It brings a smile to my face. ----> :> )
Deer tracks in the snow remind me of the Twilight Zone episode, "Eye of the Beholder." Remember that one??
Their noses looked just like this!!
Do, do, do, do... Do, do, do, do...
I like to believe the animals dance around when no one is looking.
I don't blame them. I would too.

Remember to enjoy nature.


  1. The sun is always wonderful, regardless of the season.

    Ali x

  2. Lots of fun out there . . .deer and other critters rejoicing in the warmer temps and soft snow! I can almost hear the music to which they dance. How about deer and rabbits together in a vignette as a project? Huh?? Huh? I think that would be "cool".
    Have a fun day...did Gracie go out with you??

  3. Man, it was gorgeous out there, ladies!!
    Hee-hee... Peri, I never know what this pea brain of mine will come up with.
    Poor little Gracie doesn't do well in the snow. So outdoor wintertime is more about "doing her business" than playing in it. But Darla loved to follow me around no matter how much snow there was. Who knows? Maybe Stella will too. ♥


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