Tuesday, February 5, 2013

We're making progress...

Thank the good Lord above because I am ready for the funny farm.

Gracie is finally coming around. There are times she tries to play with Stella, then there are times she wants to feed her through the wood chipper. (She's watched "Fargo" one too many times)

The one bad thing about getting a puppy in the dead of winter is the bathroom training. With these frigid temperatures she's too tiny to go outside. The pee-pee/poopie towels are working but now she thinks anything cushy under her feet is a pee-pee/poopie towel. This list includes all my braided area rugs, comforters, quilts and a waded up shirt that missed the hamper. The list goes on. But I can't get mad at her.

Her crazy puppy antics have my sweet hubs and I laughing until tears roll down our cheeks. That laughter is worth her accidental "dribbles." Material things can be replaced. But she can't.


Happy Tuesday!!!
:> )


  1. Wait until she can jump up onto the bed. . .
    Glad Gracie is coming around though. All that puppy energy might be contagious!!!!!
    Good luck!


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