Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Happy Tuesday...

Well, I didn't have to kick Little Orphan Annie in the shin because the sun did come out yesterday. Finally!!

So I spent the entire day mowing. Man, did that sun feel good too!

I was also thrilled to see my Spirea (Bridal White) survived those cold temperatures we had all last week. She sure did put on a beautiful show for us.

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I also took the time to remember those who selflessly served our country.

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I hope you did too.
We must not take them for granted.


jennifer768 said...

I spent yesterday working outside as well,it did feel wonderful.Love your flowering shrub,it is beautiful.You are right we can not forget those that serve us.Hugs,Jen

tj said...

...Gorgeous photos Miss Peanut! :o)

...Your Spirea is beautiful and HUGE! What a show that is in person I bet.

...It rained and stormed here all day. It was actually kinda fitting for the meaning of the holiday I guess.

...Have a lovely day!

...Peace & blessings. :o)

Peri said...

Your spirea is lovely! Glad the Weather Cats came through for you!! They try so hard!! Peg will be pleased.
It has been a touch gray and gloomy here in my part of the country...I am pleased also. It will clear up and be sunny, but I look forward to cool gray mornings..I love June out here in CA!
Happiness all around!!

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Beautiful photos!!!
Send us some of your sunshine ~ it's been cold and rainy here in WI.
Prim Blessings

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