Saturday, June 29, 2013

It rained and rained and rained and rained...

Early yesterday morning here in Central New York, four counties including ours were devastated by heavy flooding. Something like I've never seen in these parts, ever. At least in my lifetime.

Since we live on a bit of a hill (thank the good Lord above) our home was spared. Just a little water in our basement. But many of our friends and neighbors were not.

It was so bad, my sweet hubs was unable to get to work yesterday.
All the roads were either closed or impassable.

Here are some sights around the four counties.

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Photos from WKTV website.

Please keep those affected in your thoughts and prayers.

Also, please remember to donate to your volunteer fire department. They are so very important to your community.
These unsung heroes are on the front lines working tirelessly when a disaster strikes.


  1. I just left a note for little Stella about being glad she was safe inside during the storms and I had not yet seen this post! I am relieved that you and your hubs and the baby dogs are all okay and dry. All I can say is that I have "been there, done that" and hope it doesn't happen to me again!
    I hope the chickens at the book barn fared okay! There is a bit of a slope there, so maybe they and their people are okay.
    If there is anything we can do...give a call.

  2. Oh my! How horrible.
    Praise The Lord your home was spared.
    Prayers going up.

  3. Peri and I were talking the other night, wondering how things were. Hope all goes well with clean ups, etc. Keep us posted.

  4. Thanks, ladies. Keep the praying and positive thoughts coming.

    Peri since we're farther out, I'm pretty sure the book store was okay like us. Hopefully the chickens weren't body surfing. :> )

    But the folks right in our hamlet got hammered with muddy, rushing water. It even took out a small bridge. All anyone could do was watch.
    I'm guessing the B&B place was okay too. BUT the bridge at the bottom of the hill was completely under water.
    I haven't walked the towpath trail yet. Since we were issued yet another flood warning today, I'm going to wait to do that. With the saturated ground the last thing I need is to have a tree uproot and fall on me. Heck, it's not like in the cartoons, that's for sure. Yikes!

  5. Oh my that is terrible. Prayers for everyone involved.

  6. Glad to see you and Erron are ok ,I knew when he didn't show it had to be bad out your way. We had some water in our basement, but not as bad as some, and all the road were closed, what a mess . More rain to come be careful out there ! :0) xo

  7. awful! hoping no more devastation for ya'll up there. yes be careful.


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