Thursday, July 11, 2013

I went for a bike ride...

What possessed me to do this when the heat and humidity have been off the charts??!!
My guess...

Riding on the trail is like riding in a tropical rain forest. Everything is so green and lush.
But there are freakishly gigantic bugs everywhere!
I swear, I saw people riding on one.

The heavy rains we've had has muddied up our once quiet creek.

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Unlike the trail itself, Stan the Beaver's digs withstood the massive flooding.
(Man, I wish my hubs was that handy)

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Even though it's hotter than a goat's butt in a pepper patch,

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the views are worth it.

Happy Thursday.

Enjoy nature.
(and sweat your rear end off in the process)

:> )


  1. Maybe Stan will give the hubs some pointers. Like using his teeth instead of power tools. Who knows what wisdom would come your way? I'm just sayin'.

  2. Hi, hot and humid here too, whew!!!!! Maybe I should climb on my bike and peddle my you know what around.:) ....Great post as always, Blessings Francine.

  3. Maybe Stan could explain to the Army Corps of Engineers how to do it correctly?
    At least if you get bogged down..(sorry, I had to) can also slog your way back and stay with him!!
    The views are indeed nice and maybe if necessary you get catch some big bugs for Stella and Gracie's dinner!


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