Tuesday, March 31, 2015

TONIGHT On Early Work Mercantile...

A Folk Art Chipmunk.

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Click on the logo below to go directly to my Early Work Mercantile selling page.

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Steve the Chipmunk and I hope to see you there.

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:> )

Monday, March 30, 2015

TOMORROW night on Early Work Mercantile...

Many of you may remember all the stories I told of Steve the Chipmunk. He was my little pal for a few years until his demise caused by our neighbor's cat. :> (

Chipmunks come and go around the ol' Countryfolk Keepsakes homestead. But Steve was very special to me. I especially miss him every spring.

So in honor of Steve the Chipmunk, I'd like to introduce you to "Tamia."

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Click on the logo below to go directly to my Early Work Mercantile selling page.

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Miss you, Steve.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Wow!!! What a job...

My sweet hubs and I decided to start our faux tin ceiling kitchen project yesterday.

Our first hour consisted of trying to get our chalk lines snapped on the ceiling. With the odd shape of it our measuring and math skills were definitely something to be desired.
Just call us Dumb and Dumber. We were amused at our stupidity and laughed uncontrollably the whole time.

Then as I was posting a comment on Facebook I heard my hubs yell out, "Awwww, I'm the dumb *ss!!"
So he figured out his fuzzy math and we corrected the mistake.

The faint chalk line was our original one. Neither one of us were liquored up when we did it. But by the look of that chalk line, we should have been.

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For some reason I had blue chalk marks on my back. Still don't know how that happened.

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Then we slowly put up the tiles and continued to laugh the whole 8 hours we worked on it.

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Man, I can't even begin to tell you how we cut some of those tiles. Upside down and backwards... it was nuts!!!

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So we still need to finished the tiles along some on the perimeter. We also need to put up the crown molding.

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But we are extremely happy with how it looks so far.

I'll keep you posted and share photos when it's finished.

:> )

Saturday, March 21, 2015


I am happier than a tick on a hound dog!!

I wasn't sure if the faux tin tiles could be glued directly onto our textured ceiling. So I emailed Global Specialty Products
(the company who makes the tiles) and sent them photos of our ceiling.

Their response was absolutely!!

So if you have a groovy, dated ceiling like this...

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You can glue the faux tin tiles directly to it!

After reading the good news in their email, I made a quick Home Depot run to get the brand adhesive they suggest to use.

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Okay, I'm ready!!!
Now if only my hubs was.

I'm hoping to get crackin' on this project next weekend. So I'd better start buttering him up today.
I'll keep everyone posted.

Happy Saturday!

:> )

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I have another home improvement project in the works...

I've always admired original tin ceilings in old farmhouses.

When we were searching for a farmhouse, we were down to two. The first one had a beautiful tin tile ceiling in the kitchen. I was smitten! Unfortunately, the farmhouse we bought didn't have it. That is until now.

Well, truth be told it's not tin. It's faux tin. They now make "genuine imitation" tin tile ceiling panels.


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But I'm not sure if it will be easy as gluing them up. Since our kitchen ceiling isn't smooth, I may have to put up furring strips first. Of course I roped my sweet hubs into helping me before he even knew.

I am sure I don't know how to do any of this.
(what else is new?) I do plan to blog a step by step to share with my other novice DIYers. (How hard can it be??)

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It will cover the groovy 1970's swirled ceiling. But I will leave the vaulted shiplap ceiling in the dining area.

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I hit a house sale a few weeks ago and finally found the perfect writing desk for my keeping room.
It's actually a small table but hey, it was exactly what I was looking for!!
As you can plainly see, Tommy and George are quite happy too.

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Speaking of Tommy and George... I've added Jimmy (Madison) and Johnny (Adams) portraits. I'm still working on Alex (Hamilton). He too will eventually adorn my wall.

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Ben has his own little corner...

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Here's another house sale find! I've been looking for a "candle stand" for the longest time. Found it where I found the desk. Yippee!

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So that's what's been going on at the ol' Countryfolk homestead.

We still have a ton of snow on the ground, but I'm hoping to see nothing but muddy grass soon!

:> )

Saturday, March 14, 2015

"Ironically, rural America...

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has become viewed by a growing number of Americans as having a higher quality of life not because of what it has, but rather because of what it does not have."
~Don A. Dillman

:> )