Monday, March 30, 2015

TOMORROW night on Early Work Mercantile...

Many of you may remember all the stories I told of Steve the Chipmunk. He was my little pal for a few years until his demise caused by our neighbor's cat. :> (

Chipmunks come and go around the ol' Countryfolk Keepsakes homestead. But Steve was very special to me. I especially miss him every spring.

So in honor of Steve the Chipmunk, I'd like to introduce you to "Tamia."

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Click on the logo below to go directly to my Early Work Mercantile selling page.

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Miss you, Steve.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Karin, She is stunning and what I tribute to your little friend. A treasure for certain. I love all the details. Beautiful work as always.


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