Friday, July 3, 2015

It was a picture perfect day...

Today reminded me of summers as a kid. Sunny, warm with slight breeze and no humidity. The kind of day you'd run through a sprinkler. Or play hopscotch. Or pile in the car and head over to the local Dairy Isle to get a soft serve ice cream cone.

It was also a perfect day to take Betsy for a drive around the back roads. Took the doors and windows off and away I went. I wish I could bring Stella with me. But it's much too dangerous for her to sit by herself in the seat. So it was just me and Betsy... and my camera.

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I couldn't help but think of Bob Ross and smile when I saw this happy, little cloud.
Man, I miss that guy.

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Can't really see it, but I decided to hang my Betsy Ross flag off the roll bar.♥

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Yep. It was a picture perfect day.

:> )


  1. It sounds like my kinda of Day!
    Glad you got out and enjoyed it!!!
    Happy 4th!

  2. Perfect day indeed, looks so pretty the countryside. Blessings Francine.


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