Thursday, September 3, 2015

Backsplash Countertop vs. No Backsplash Countertop...

I have a backsplash countertop. But if I go through with getting a new countertop, I do not want one. I plan to bring the beadboard under the cabinets right down to the new countertop.

Since my cooktop is in my peninsula, I really have no need for a countertop backsplash except for one area...

Behind the sink. I really need something waterproof behind there.
Sure I could blame my sweet hubs and say he splashes water all over. But that wouldn't be the whole truth. That is because I am the biggest culprit when it comes to splashing water.
(Did I just type that out loud?)

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Sorry. These are older, pre tin tile ceiling photos.

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The other problem is it's only 4" high.

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So I'm thinking about placing listello tiles underneath the lower window casing. I would also continue it the length of the window casing. Then have the beadboard on each side of it.

Does that make sense? Or am I cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs?

Truth be told, I am not a tile kind of gal. Especially...
**Okay. No cursing or tomato throwing** subway tile. I know it's all the rage and most kitchens and/or bathrooms have it. So I am probably the only woman in the world who isn't a fan of it.

But I have my reason.
**Okay. Now all my fellow New Yorkers who live in NYC please close your eyes and do not read the next two sentences** As a young girl my first trip to the Big Apple was in the 1970's during their MASSIVE garbage strike.
The sights... The odors... The rats... It was absolutely disgusting and I never forgot it.
Unfortunately, that's what subway tile reminds me of. Crazy, but true.

THEN when I laid my peepers on this gal's backsplash, I fell in love with those listello tiles!

Just beautiful! Look at that sweet, beading tile!

If anyone wants to throw in their two cents about their kitchen backsplash or has any backsplash ideas, please do so.

Have I told anyone I have no idea how to tile???

Oh well... I'll have to learn the hard way.

:> )


  1. Ooooooh. Same dilemma here. I have ideas I will tag you in on Pinterest.

  2. Thanks, Dixie! ♥ I'll be on the lookout for them.


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