Friday, September 18, 2015

Countdown to a new countertop...

Well the guy came yesterday to make a template for our countertop. Yippee!!!

Unfortunately a farmhouse built in 1861 is far from square. So when the countertop was updated back some 35 years ago, they literally cut into a section of wall to make the countertop fit.
Boo* Hiss
But the guy was confident they can work miracles and said it will fit properly.

I'm trying to save myself a few pennies
( 30,000 to be exact) by doing the countertop removal myself. Although I'm not looking forward to what I'm going to find once we er I mean "I" rip into it. (I haven't broke that news to my sweet hubs yet)

My heart is hoping to find another original copy of the Declaration of Independence.
But my gut is telling me it will be more like petrified mice turds instead.

Oh well, a gal can dream.

Have a terrific weekend, all!!

:> )


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