Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Hats are a great way to...

do subtle Halloween decorating.

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Man, I have got to get a Ben Franklin wig for this tricorn hat!

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Ooooooh!!! I could have a blast doing Founding Fathers pumpkins!!


:> )


  1. love the founding fathers pumpkin idea hee hee
    more pics please of your halloween decorating!!!! is Stella dressing up this year?

  2. Hi Peanut, wow I am so glad you are still around. We miss you on Facebook. What happened? Anyway, love the founding fathers pumpkin, love the creativity of it all! Geez we could sure use some founding fathers in the white house about now. Have a blessed day!


  3. Hah! Love the tri-corn hat on the pumpkin!! May have to try something like that with some bonnets!! :)

  4. Jinxie, I'm not sure I can get Stella to keep anything on longer than 10 seconds. But I may try it! :> )
    Cathy, I left FB back in June. But who knows what can happen in the future! ;> )
    Penny, I love to decorate pumpkins with just a hint of something. A bonnet would look great! :> )


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