Monday, December 14, 2015

I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas...

But I'd better not hold my breath.

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While most Central New Yorkers are relishing in this unusually warm weather, I can honestly say I am not. I'm a die-hard fan for a snowy Christmas and then some.
This weather dare I say really... blows!
It's going to muck up all our trees and shrubs.
Especially the fruit trees.

An open window in the middle of December around here is nuts! Who opens a window in the middle of December in Central New York?!

Looks like I do.

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Here's December 2014 and a perfect 33 degrees.

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♫ "I'm Dreaming of a
much preferred thirty-three degree December 2014 White Christmas..." ♪

Sure it's a bit of a mouthful.
But I'm gonna sing it anyway!


  1. Hope you get a white Christmas Karin. I would not enjoy a green one, I love the change of seasons.... Hugs Francine.

  2. I'm originally from Jersey but moved to SC 31 years ago. We've always had a pretty cold December down here, but not this year....Eek! I love when the temps are in the 30's and really wish it would be that way now so I can freeze me buns off! Hoping you get a White Christmas.

  3. Here in my part of Wisconsin it was 57 degrees today! My hubby actually went golfing on Saturday and wore shorts!!! Great for the heating bill, but like you, I would like to see some winter weather for the holidays. Jane

  4. Francine, I bet Canada is covered in the white stuff. I so envious!

    Denise, my sweet hubs keeps trying to talk me into moving out of the northeast. But I won't budge. The farthest south I'll go is Pennsylvania and that might be pushing it for me!

    Jane, yesterday I saw a couple joggers go by the old Countryfolk homestead sporting shorts! I'm sure local golfers are in their glory too!
    All in all, I'm still praying for a snowy Christmas miracle!!
    :> )

  5. Ummm, Francine... Make that "I'm" so envious. ;> )

  6. I agree (in Central Jersey)! I'd prefer the 33* temps for Christmas! I'll welcome Spring January 1st though! ;-)


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