Saturday, February 6, 2016

How do you spend your Saturdays?

I spent mine moving furniture around yet again. Strictly out of boredom, I'm sure of it.

I have an antique, small, petite platform rocker I can't bring myself to let go of. Not sure why either. I've kept it upstairs for almost a year now but felt it needed to come back down and put... somewhere. I think it's safe to say I need an "old furniture intervention."

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It's just so sweet and I love the fabric on it. The problem is, it's not practical seating at all. That statement coming from a woman who has practically no practical seating in her home. ((giggle))

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Truth be told that old, red glider on the left is THE most comfortable seat in the house. Between that glider and the wood stove, it will put you in a cozy, trance-like state during the winter months.

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Poor Stella. She is desperately hoping her cast iron look alike will throw her little, rubber, green ball. Sorry, Stella. It's not gonna happen.

Have I mentioned how much I love this sweet, little girl??!! Look at that precious face!

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Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!!

:> )


  1. Practical or not it looks beautiful ! Stella is so adorable! Now kick back and relax and enjoy the rest of your weekend ~ Angela

  2. Nice chair, I think I know every inch of your house better than my own, LOL. Have a great weekend!

  3. My ex used to say he didn't know where to sit his *** when he came home from work because I moved the furniture too much.
    I have an old ugly green vinyl rocker/chair of my grandmothers that I keep in spite of my family wanting to throw it away. It fits me and I do intend to reupholster it one day. The cat likes it too.

  4. Morning Karin, I'll gladly take the rocker off your hands, (giggles) love your oh so cozy home, Stella is the sweetest!!!!! Blessings Francine.


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