Sunday, February 21, 2016

Okay~ I'm ready to tackle wallpapering myself!

I've got a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee and two shortbread chocolate chip cookies. What else does one need??!!!

 photo wal_zpsn9opzwlu.jpg

Ummmm... Maybe some knowledge on how to wallpaper???

Nah! That's what YouTube videos are for. ((giggle))

If I'm not back in 24 hours...
Call the paramedics.

Wish me luck!

:> )


  1. If we lived closer I would come right over and help. I have wallpapered at least one room in every house I have ever owned. Just remember that it shrinks when you are doing the seam butting. I can't wait to see it, :)

  2. Heck, I wish you lived closer too, Judi!
    I was careful with the seams. I remember YEARS ago when I (tried) to wallpaper in our first home. I didn't know about shrinkage. :> )


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