Friday, June 10, 2016

Betsy got some new bling...

I like to plug other businesses, artists and people who create.

I was looking for a new stick shift knob. But wanted something to go along with Betsy's patriotic theme.

Well, I found The Brick Shift House on eBay. Love the name by the way.

The copper bald eagle is perfect!!

 photo knob_zpsl6o3vuo4.jpg

So if you drive a stick (manual transmission) and are looking to add a little personality, check him out.

Okay. It's back to work for me.
I've got little Founding Fathers heads on my kitchen table that need to be tended to!
(Ummm, that doesn't sound very good. But you know what I mean.)

Happy Friday, all!!

Enjoy your weekend!!

:> )


  1. Hi. I love the shift knob. I've never seen one like that before. It is the perfect complement to Betsy.

  2. Wow, look at Betsy's bling, so cool. You find the neatest things Karin. Blessings Francine.

  3. Thank you kindly, ladies! ♥ I'm going to ask Mike if he can do one with George Washington! (Betsy has two stick shifts) :> )


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