Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Do you know what today is?

I'll give you a few hints...

 photo flag_zpspomruw6f.jpg

 photo flagday_zps501ffe6e.jpg

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 photo flagam.jpg

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 photo darlaflag.jpg
My precious Darla. How I miss her.

 photo flagtree400.jpg

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Give up??

Today is Flag Day! So whatever size Old Glory you have, big or small...
Fly her proudly.

Happy Flag Day, all.


  1. Love Flag Day!
    I have been trying to teach my 3 year old to respect it.
    It's working cause he gave the dirtiest look to his cousin who used a small flag to hit people. Horrible child...

    God Bless America!

  2. Karin, I had seen one of your older posts in which you printed Johnny Cash's "Ragged Ol' Flag", along with pictures. Could you please repost? Thank you.
    Darla was beautiful and I know that she made your world a better place. Their life spans are not as long as they deserve to be. I'm sure Darla is looking down, laughing at Stella's antics.

    Trisha, I agree that it's important to show proper respect for our flag.

  3. What beautiful photos Karin. Happy Flag Day!

  4. Happy Flag Day! Love all your pics!

  5. That's terrific, Trisha!! I am thrilled to read that! I must admit I got a giggle out of your little flag wielding relative. :> )
    Just posted it for you, Phyllis. Darla was the reason why I'll always have a Boston Terrier in our home. I can't imagine my life without them. ♥
    Thanks, Ali and Penny! Over the years those are our flags around the ol' Countryfolk homestead.


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