Sunday, June 26, 2016

They're baaaaack!!

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I sharped my ax and got right to work!
I plan on creating more of my beloved Firewood Folks so be sure to visit my selling blog often!

Just click on the "Firewood Folks" button below to go directly to my selling blog.

 photo amerifirewoodfolksbtn_zpsea189c0d.gif

Happy Sunday, all!!!

:> )


  1. They are so adorable. Would you believe I hadn't noticed Ben's kite was a flag motif before. I obviously need to borrow his glasses. We decorated for the 4th yesterday and I thought of you as we were doing so. I hope the fireworks don't bother the girls.
    Have you recovered from yesterday's ordeal?

  2. Thanks, Phyllis! I need to get outside and decorate too, but today I've been obsessing on "brick" tiles. ((hee hee))
    Thankfully not a lot of fireworks in these parts. We can hear a few booms in the distance but I keep the windows closed so the girls can't hear. So it doesn't bother them much. But I worry about all the little critters outside.
    I remember a few years back a local town celebrated by firing a cannon. The sound frightened a bunch of baby birds and they fell out of their nest in a nearby tree. It was horrible. :> (


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