Monday, August 1, 2016

C'mon Autumn, We're Ready For You!

The wood stove is finally in place. Yippee!!
Now all we need is some cool weather so we can fire this baby up.

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I'd still like to make a brick hearth. Maybe next year.

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It is so difficult to figure out furniture placement. Doorways and windows in a tiny room. Ack! I'd love to put the plaid settee in front of the wood stove. But the room is too tiny. Dang it.

We've kicked around the idea of removing the wall where Adams and Madison are. Opening it up into the dining/American flag wall room. But I think that would open up a big ol' can of worms. Not sure that's a job I want to tackle. I'm getting too old for this sh*t stuff. But it would be nice. Hmmm... Maybe I'm not that old just yet.

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I had to re spray paint the wall mount to match my newly spray painted stove pipe. It was a little tricky.

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Have I mentioned my love for blue painters tape?? ((giggle))

Hubs and I are both pleased with it now in the corner. It gives a little more room in here. Which really means gives me more space to decorate.
But you didn't hear that from me. Shhhh...

Happy Monday, all!!!
Enjoy your week!

:> )


  1. It looks great. I knew you would figure out how to install the pipe. I wish I had your talent for decorating. Did Stella help and Gracie supervised? Or are they too busy planning their csmpaign?

  2. Thanks, Phyllis! I've got to give my sweet hubs the credit for figuring out the stove pipe. He is the king of problem solving.
    The last time I saw Stella and Gracie they hopped into their tour bus with a stack of pocket Constitutions in one paw and "Canines For The Constitution" bumper stickers in the other.
    Probably won't be back until after the election. Hope they win.
    :> )

  3. Oh I hear ya Karin!!!! Such a sweet charming room, I would never leave, throw another log on the fire.Blessings Francine.


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