Wednesday, August 3, 2016


 photo screaming-1.jpg

My sweet hubs said I shouldn't need a new desktop computer! He frogged around with it a bit and thinks he took care of the problem.

How I love that egghead o' mine!! ♥

Okay, time to get back to working on my Halloweenie creations!

:> )


  1. HAHAHAHA what a great picture to go with your post. That is happy news for you indeed. Amazing how we have come to rely on these machines

  2. Yay!!!!! That's great!!!! Love the picture,Francine.

  3. I can't begin to tell you how crazy I get when I have computer problems! Probably because I have no idea how the heck to fix them.

    Isn't that photo of that little girl adorable??!! Her expression is priceless!


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