Thursday, September 22, 2016

They're Heeeere...

More Halloween Firewood Folks!! YaY!!!

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Sorry these photos don't fit properly on my blog.
Just click on the "Firewood Folks" button below to go directly to my Countryfolk Keepsakes website to see more!

 photo amerifirewoodfolksbtn 2_zpsm8tow94v.gif

Hope everyone is enjoying our first day of autumn!!!
I sure am!!

:> )


  1. Karin, as always I'm impressed and awed by both your creativity and talent. They're adorable.

    Did Stella go to the doctor yet? Did you find out anything? Keeping her in our prayers.

  2. Love them both but The Count especially made me smile...must be those dreamy blue eyes!

  3. So cute! love them both but girl that pumpkin!!!!!


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