Wednesday, December 28, 2016

I decided to put away all the Christmas decorations early...

and my sweet hubs isn't the only one disappointed.

 photo stellachair1_zpsod1njiue.jpg

 photo stellachair2_zpsairapuim.jpg

Notice the placement of the new but no longer squeaky, little pink rubber ball.

:> )


  1. Hi Karin. Stella does look disappointed about the decorations. So, she already broke her new ball in. That didn't take long, did it? Has she gotten a hold of Gracie's new, weird, blue toy yet?

  2. She removed the squeaker in her new little pink rubber ball within a half hour of getting it.
    Stella the Destroyer isn't allowed to play with Gracie's new weird blue squeaky toy. But man, she's dying to get her paws on it! :> )

  3. Afternoon Karin, lol, what a sad little face on Stella. I packed mine away today, kinda sad but I've had out since the end of Nov. Blessings Francine.

  4. Francine, I decorated earlier than usual which is why I was ready to take it all down. I must admit, the house looks so blah now.
    But I did leave my lit outside wreath on the front door. :> )

  5. She who has to put it all up, gets to say when it all comes down! That's a beautiful chair Stella is sulking on Karin. I'll be packing up Chez Brambletyde this weekend.

    Happy New Year!
    Ali x

  6. Happy New Year, Ali!!! Yep, I love that chair. That's the one I bought for myself that I never get to sit on. Figures. :> )


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