Wednesday, May 2, 2018

I'm still here!!

Man!! It has been a never ending winter in these parts!! Snow and cold right up until a week ago.
But today was sunny and 83!!! What the?!
Things are still a little crazy at the ol' Countryfolk Keepsakes homestead. But I am slowly getting back into my studio to create!

I'm offering these adorable patriotic stump dolls on Early Work Mercantile.

 photo patriotgirls1_zpskwod8ev0.jpg

I have another folk art whale, too.

 photo whalebarn_zpsgxbchoiy.jpg

Click on the link below to go direct to my Early Work Mercantile page.

ewmnewblogbutton photo 200x160bannerblog_zps74ac6ce5.gif

Now that it FINALLY warmed up, I officially put away my snow shovel!!
YaY me!!!!

:> )


  1. Winter has been like a houseguest who has long outstayed their welcome over here too. I hope the old adage about a long cold Winter being followed by a long hot Summer are true!

  2. Karin, I love the stump dolls and the whale. I hope things settle down and that everyone is ok. I went from a broken ankle to my mom breaking her leg and her hip!

  3. Ali,I think we're in for just that. We went from snow last month to hot humid weather 85 degree weather yesterday!!
    Thank you, Phyllis! Things are still crazy around here. My goodness where did this month go?!
    You broke your ankle and your mom broke a hip and a leg??? Oh how horrible!! I hope you're both on the mend. ♥


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