Monday, September 27, 2021

Happy Autumn!!!

Been doing a little decorating and thought I would share it with you!

I hope everyone has been enjoying the month of September! We sure have because before you know it, we'll be shoveling the white stuff!!

P.S. Stella got a new little yellow rubber ball and she's as happy as a (furry) clam!!

:> )


  1. Happy Fall! It sort of arrived overnight here in England. Summer one day, Fall the next! I do believe its the best season of all though. I love all the blue transferware you have. I have one measly plate and really do need to try to keep up. LOL!

  2. Ali, the same thing happened here! But I do love the cooler weather. I'm actually looking forward to winter. I'm sure I'll regret typing that come January. Hee hee!!
    I adore blue and white transferware! The other colors are nice. But to me, there's something special about the blue.

  3. Your home is lovely and your Autumn decorating adds a "boo-teeful" layer of fun!
    Stella sure knows the secret to a happy life.

  4. Thank you, Maureen!! Stella really does know how to enjoy life. ♥


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