Wednesday, March 12, 2008

All Aboard...

...the Crazy Train.

Folks tend to think I'm a lil' nutty because I love to decorate my home with bits of humor. It keeps them on their toes when they come to visit. I truly enjoy seein' the expression on their face when the notice my "quirkiness".

Its either a look of "Oh, how funny!" or "Oh, she needs therapy!" I take both as a compliment.

I have a cow in a bird cage...

Humpty Dumpty sits in a real bird's nest...

This framed lil' bear cub hangs on the bathroom wall above the john. So when gentlemenfolk need to use the "facility", they are strikin' a similar pose.

A rock I found on our property, wears a pair of vintage eyeglasses and reads the Bible my mama carried down the isle on her and daddy's weddin' day ...

I do believe Jesus has a sense of humor. He has to. With the way things are in the world today, how could He not?


  1. See, that's my philosophy too!! I think life is much too short to take things seriously!! You are a hoot and you bring a smile to my heart!!....and BTW...I know Jesus has a sense of humor 'cause I really can't be explained any other way!! tee hee hee!!

  2. Your sense of humor keeps me smiling!!! And yes, you are right, Jesus has to laugh at some of the things this world (and myself) has gotten into!!!

  3. its always so refreshing and funny to get a peek inside your head, goob :)
    You are a breath of fresh air!

  4. I love the cow in the cage....makes space in the pasture if anyone needs to be put out ya know? Nutin surprizes me about you my friend...I count on you to keep us all in line...a very crooked line. thanks for that! Hugs, Kat

  5. Peanut!Your blog always puts a smile on my face!These pictures are hilarious,and adorable at the same time!


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