Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I Wanna Get Physical...

I've been on an exercise kick lately. I'm not really sure why either. I guess the older I get, the more I realize I need to take better care of myself.

I also realize to do that, I need to get the ol' ticker pumpin' with some cardio exercise. So I broke down and bought my very first exercise DVD.

As I'm watchin' these perfectly shaped sweet young gals doin' moves my body won't even consider allowin' me to do; the first thing I thought was, "Heck, I've got a pair of underwear older than these girls." Then I thought about how exercise has changed over the years.

When I was a young'un, I remember watchin' mama exercise to Jack LaLanne on T.V. He wore that unitard, those lil' Mary Jane slippers and he always used a straight back chair. I'm sure there was a reason for that chair, but most of the time I watched mama sit in it as we watched the show together.

Then I remember goin' with her to the Elaine Powers Figure Salon. Any of y'all remember that place? As I watched these ladies walkin' around in their leotards; I was puzzled by the weird lookin' machines they used. But they claimed it helped battle their bulge.

Now I never did understand what this thing did for ya. I reckon if ya drank some gin and vermouth ya could have yourself an "internal martini", shaken not stirred.

Then there was this contraption...

Yikes! I thought it was some kind of exercise Abacus torture device but I was told it helped soothe sore muscles. Really? I'd rather slap on Ben-Gay and smell bad.

In the 80's was that whole Flashdash look. I admit I wore the ripped sweatshirts and had Leg Warmers and head bands in every color.

It was a great look if y'all were a ballerina or a dancer; but the majority of us weren't and wore them strictly because we thought we looked cool. But for me, I think I was tryin' to somehow fulfill my childhood dream of becomin' a background dancer for the Carol Burnett Show.

I'm so glad we had this time together,
Just to have a laugh, or sing a song.
Seems we just got started and before you know it
Comes the time we have to say, 'So long.'

:> )


  1. Hee hee...you crack me up! I LOVED the Carol Burnett show too. Especially when they would crack each other up and try so hard not to laugh...it was hilarious!

    Good luck with your new excercise program, Peanut. You can do it...:-)

  2. Hmm, I have been trying to tag you for a fun and whimsical game over at my blog; perhaps this time it will take. come on over!!!!!!!!

  3. Peanut,I just love your blog!You always brighten my day!I miss the Carol Burnett show too!

  4. I LOVED the Carole Burnet show...although..i must say..I Love Lucy was and still is my favorite of those old shows...anyway..back on the subject.....I sure wish you would send me some of your excercise energy...I have none!!!!!

    Love the new firewood folks..they are wonderful.


  5. I almost always smile when I read your blog! Yes - I remember watching Jack and my mom going to Elaine Powers. I wore leg warmers in the 80's, too. Leg warmers are back, Miss Peanut. Maybe I'll make a pair with felted wool...

  6. Your blog cracks me up!!!

    The donut post is the best!!! LOL...

    Thanks for the giggles today! :)

  7. oh man... i remember those confounded machines - my aunt would have a malt in one hand and a bbq rib in the other while she jiggled her way to "thin" on that belted hip exerciser!


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