Thursday, March 12, 2009

I've Takin' Way Too Much Cold Medicine...

As I lie on the couch in my over the counter cold medication coma; my eyes can't help but wander over to the table where that sweet knitted Americana dollie skirt and hat (that Carol gave me) are.

I'm thinkin' it belonged to one of those dollies who hid the toilet paper roll under her dress. Do you remember those?
But I don't have a lil' dollie like that. So I have to make do with somethin' else.

How can I display this lovely handmade?

Hmmm. I've got an idea...

(I've got a collection of old bottles!)

All aboard the Crazy Train!

At least I'm feelin' much better now!! Well... Maybe not mentally, but physically.
:> )


  1. Okay, Poor little Peanut...
    no more cold medication for you ... now you are dressing up bottles.. LOL

    Can't wait to see your new birdie you are working on..

    I saw my first robin today ! Hurray !..

    Get better soon !

  2. Poor, Poor Peanut. I hope you feel better soon. The liquid in that bottle reminds me of Mom's "green nerve medicine" that the druggist used to mix up when we were kids. Probably had laudanum in it. I'll bet that's what you really need. Take care and try not to let that dressed up bottle start having a conversation with you. Love ya!

  3. I'm having a vision of your front yard. A gaggle of the best dressed concrete geese on the block. Always ready for the next holiday or season. LOL!

  4. Well... you aren't so bad off. At least you thought the bottle was actually a bottle, and not the dog.

    Get better soon!

    Jean :)


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