Tuesday, December 14, 2010


The weather outside is frightful,

But the fire (and my big, thick, toasty warm woolly socks) are so delightful!

And since I've no place to go (except to the grocery store but I don't give a rip because they are callin' for lake effect snow of up to 20" today and I'm not leavin' the house so we'll just have to starve)
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

All together now!
Oh the weather outside is frightful...
:> )


  1. oh you are way to funny...we freak out here if there is a tracing of snow..seriously..the shelves are bare here cause everyone is getting all they can for that footprint of snow.;) I hope you stay nice and toasty..I have my stove going too.;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. by the way that was me that deleted the comment above..it did it twice.:)

  4. Stay warm girl and I know you won't starve. You stock up like the critters for winter.;)

  5. I'll bet it's even more fun because you have those cute doggies cuddling up with you guys. Y'all enjoy your snow. It's been so cold here, that if it snows here, it will stick and never melt. Hope you keep your power. Enjoy.

  6. Oh golly, can I take refuge at your place?

    Ali x


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