Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This Is Going To Be Hard To Believe...

But I am really trying to declutter, simplify and get back to basics. Yeah I know crazy, right? Especially after my last post about not being able to get rid of anything. ((giggle))
But trust me, it's true.

Rumor has it, I've been known to hang pretty much anything on the walls. That includes my husband if he's standing around long enough.
But since I redid my kitchen, I decided it was time to take things down and simplify.

Here's the proof.
Every time I took something off the walls, I tossed the nail in this old rusty scoop.


Wholly schnikes! That's a lot of nails. For every nail removed, a nail hole was left behind.
I wonder if I connect all holes they would form the "Great Bear?" (hee-hee)


Even after taking a ton of stuff down, my hubs couldn't contain himself and laughed hysterically when I told him I thought I had a lot less on walls now.
Men! What do they know anyway? They don't understand a woman needs to hang her antique pitchfork on the wall.
:> )

After all this talk about decluttering, I'm in the process of working on a new sign for my kitchen. *snicker*

Remember my post about shutters a week or so ago? Well I fell in love with the "GROCERY" sign in this kitchen.


So I contacted Amie at Scrappin' Along and she whipped up a stencil for me.


Although now that I see it in this photo, I may have to narrow the pine board a bit. Bring on the power tools!! Woo-hoo!!

Shhh.... But don't tell my hubs. You know how accident prone I am and he tends to worry about me.

I'll keep you posted.
(As long as I still have all my fingers to type.)
;> )


  1. I had to chuckle when I read this post.I am wanting to declutter too but am having a hard time deciding what goes and what stays.Girl,that was a lot of nails! LOL! Love the sign you are making ,can't wait to see it finished.Hugs,Jen

  2. Hee hee. I'm trying to declutter too., but I don't have enough on the walls. I have two things in the dining room, but that's it for the whole house! I feel like its not a home yet because we haven't personalized it with photos and such. I need to borrow your nails and get things hung up. :-)

  3. Oh Peanut! You inspired me ! I want to do so much and sometimes get in a SlUMPPP!! I love the Grocery Sign!! I'm going to look at that stencil place! Have you made any cookies ???? Hugs Birdy....

  4. dang you took down some stuff with that amount of nails..can't wait to see your new sign..becareful with those power tools.;)

  5. Holy Cats ~ that's alot of nails!!!
    I need to declutter to ~ but just end up moving it from one room to another!LOL
    Can't wait to see how your sign turns out!!!
    Prim Blessings

  6. Hi Peanut!
    I just love old signs and I am anxious to see yours all complete and hung in your newly decluttered kitchen. =)

    Good Luck!

  7. Funny how approaching Spring sends some women into a frenzy of decorating. LOL!

    I'm going to assume you've survived the sign hanging?



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