Saturday, May 4, 2013

Everyone needs a wee liberty.

My chunky Wee Liberty tuck doll is now available on my selling site.
Just click on the "Extreme & Rustic" button below.

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Can you believe it's been 10 years already since I started my Countryfolk Keepsakes venture?? Amazing! I have loved every minute of it too!

But I've been kicking around the idea of also getting back to my extremely primitive roots and Wee Liberty is just the start!

Happy Saturday!

:> )


  1. ...I love it! :o)

    ...You know, the extreme primitive was all the rage for some time and then it seems that you don't see much of that anymore. Am I right or is it that I just need to get out more? [giggle] Prob' the latter. ;o)

    ...Have a lovely weekend!

    ...Peace & blessings.

  2. My how time flies!
    She's a cutie!!!
    Prim Blessings


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