Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"The Constitution is...

not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."
~Patrick Henry

Here's my latest offering.

Primitive American Bald Eagle.

 photo a57b0936-cd55-4f9a-b225-d28b5f59c682_zps928d50aa.jpg

He'll arrive with a copy (one page) of the United States Constitution.

 photo libertyeag6_zps3249ee38.jpg

Click on the "Critters" button below.


:> )


  1. I'm afraid we the people have fallen asleep at the wheel when it comes to restraining our govt. Ol P.Henry would not be very pleased with how lazy we've become :(

  2. PS oops hit publish before saying...your bald eagle is very handsome.I especially like the definition and detail you got on his wings and tail.

  3. Hi Karin, love the prim Eagle, you are so talented, Francine.

  4. Thanks, ladies. ♥
    Maureen, I pray everyday more Americans will open their eyes and see what's happening to our beloved country. The cancer is in both parties.


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