Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I've been painting all day!

My new paint job is complete and I must say it looks fantastic!

It's much brighter and it makes the room appear larger!
Double YaY!

BUT you're going to have to wait for the reveal! I have to finish putting the room back together.

As you can see by the time on my Daddy's clock, I started taking stuff off the walls and dragging furniture from one room to another bright and early this morning.
Also if you look really close, you'll see my "assistant" helping in her usual way.
Can you spot her?

 photo beforekeeping2_zpscfffa664.jpg

Maybe this will help...
I have no idea what she was doing, but she was having a blast.

 photo beforekeeping3_zpsa5b739cd.jpg

She "assisted" me quite a bit today.
Let's see...
She shredded all the paper towel I was using to clean the glass on my pictures.
She stole borrowed a small paint brush. (Thankfully there was no paint on it)
She barked at me every time I stepped up on the step stool.
She tried to bite the hammer as I nailed the baseboard back on.
She barked at the vacuum.
She chewed the vacuum.
She chewed the small braided rug.
She chewed the crocheted pillow on the day bed.
She chewed on Gracie.

Yes, she was a big help today.
What would have normally taken me a few hours took twice as long with Twinkle Toes Stella.

When I get everything finished up I'll snap some photos and share them with everyone.

Hope you had a happy Wednesday.

:> )


  1. Build up my excitement just to let me down!!
    I read your first couple of sentences and got excited to see, then Nope not yet.
    Will definitely be keeping an eye out for the big reveal.
    Oh that Stella!
    She is such a, well I was going to say Sweetie but I don't know if you'd agree with that right now. ;)
    She sure is Adorable though.

  2. Oh Karin, your such a tease, :) can`t wait to see, love your cozy home so.......That is one adorable helper if ya call her that, tee hee.....Blessings Francine.

  3. Hi Peanut, I know the reveal will be fabulous!

    By the daughter says I need to stay off of Craigslist! Ha!

    Hugs, Audrey

  4. Oh what a tease - I was all set to see the reveal!

  5. Hee-hee!! I knew you all would be expecting a photo!! Ain't I stinker?? ((giggle))
    Yep, Stella is a handful but how she makes me laugh!!
    Audrey, welcome to my world! I am a Craiglist addict and proud of it! ((hee-hee))

  6. Lol, twinkle toes Stella, sounds like she was quite the helper!


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